13 April 2008

Just a little something I found and thought was funny. Hope you all like it.
*This is in no way a political endorsement of the other candidates or a statment of me not liking Obama I'm keeping that affiliation to myself and will tell you all after the election, this is just for fun.

11 April 2008

A New Job Coming My Way???

That's right everybody I just got the call about ten minutes ago. Apparently someone at Lockheed-Martin was searching endlessly through resumes on Monster.com or Careerbuilder.com when they came across mine and were so impressed with it that they took a shot in the dark and gave me a ring on the phone. After talking to them for about five or ten minutes I was informed of a secret application page by "Mr. X" and told that I should go and apply there.

At first I was skeptical so I decided to do some snooping around and sure enough it was all legit so I applied. The application was pretty straight forward and asked the normal things so it wasn't to hard to fill out. It didn't have any of the odd questions like this "Have you ever had sugar, or black tar heroin?" Oh well back to the topic at hand. I after submitting my application I was informed via electronic mail that I would be receiving a phone call by Monday so we'll see. Here's hoping!

09 April 2008

Internet Censoship....

Ok so I wake up today and check my email only to find one from the team at yahoo answers.com informing me that I had been found in violation of their community guidelines for a question I had answered and the answer was promptley deleted. No what on Earth could be so bad as to warrent deletion? Did I threaten or make someone out to be stupid? No I simply pointed out that while the asker had a point about the Iraq war he had his facts wrong. He stated that Saddam complied with the UN and should not have been invaded, well I informed him that WMDs were the least of the things Saddam was supposed to comply with and he had been taking pot shots at American and British Pilots patrolling the northern and southern no-flyzones since the end of the first Gulf War thus violating the cease fire and spitting in the face of the UN. Some how he found this offensive and reported me and I was found in violation. It just makes me sick to think that you can go out there and spew your lies in order to advance your point but once you are corrected by facts you run and hide getting the content deleted. People like this asker use a tactic they so often blame the Bush administration of doing by violating my rights to free speech and expression. Now of course there is nothing I can do because yahoo is a business and does not belong to us the people, but still they should not silence those with opposing opinions as long as it is done respectfully. Oh well I just needed to vent.

08 April 2008


Well that's right, today April 8, 2008 is a very big birthday day for my family. My grandfather, aunt, and youngest sister all celebrate a birthday today which means I get cake today (for my sisters birthday) and then again on Saturday April 12, 2008 when we get together with the rest of the family to have the "big" celebration. From what I know I have two aunts coming in from out of town, as well as an uncle and four cousins.

It will be nice, this is the first time since my great-grandmother died that we will see the rest of the family and who knows, crazy stuff always happens when we are all together. Well to Grandpa, Cathy, and Katie... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

New Changes

Hey there everybody. I don't know if you have noticed but I made some additions to my blog. I added to my profile, put a picture of myself up, and put up some links of stuff I read (more to come soon) and well hopefully more changes will be up soon and if anybody has any recommendations let me know and I'll work on them. More to come soon.

07 April 2008

It's quiet... To quiet

Well it is just about 2:00 AM here and low and behold I cannot sleep yet again. So many things run through my head when I lay my head down on the pillow. Sometimes it is just mindless crap with no real meaning and others I do some serious thinking about life and the world. I mean there really is nothing to do, and oddly the sounds of the street ( passing cars, wind, dogs barking) aren't there. I even stepped outside to see what was going on. And to my surprise, or lack there of, nothing was going on. Absolutely nothing it is a perfect night outside. Not to cold or hot, no wind to speak of, and no cars speeding down the street racing to get home or to work. Its actually nice, and I think that is what is getting to me. I don't mean to say that I like things when they are bad, but over the years I have grown accustom to there being something whether it is traffic, howling wind, or even the occasional dog barking at something that isn't there. To me this silence seems louder then the noise. I don't know this probably makes no sense but I had to do something to pass the time so I thought I would post on the blog.

05 April 2008

Yeah, breaker one nine...

"Yeah, breaker one nine This here's the Rubber Duck ou got a copy on me Pig Pen, c'mon"...
Well yesterday on April 3rd, 2008 anywhere from 20 to 50 truck drivers held a protest in El Paso, TX, Hey that'smy home town, anyway back to the point a lot of truckers decided that they would drive very, very, very slow across El Paso going from right outside the city limits at around Eastlake Blvd. heading west along I-10 to Executive where they turned around and headed east to go and protest in front of Western Refining, which is something like the third or fourth largest independent oil refinery in the US. What were they protesting???? Well the high price of diesel fuel of course, and believe me I feel their pain. Now I am not saying that I pay close to $1,500.00/ gallon of fuel, it only cost me about $45 but still that is hard for me. I can only imagine what they are going through. I used to work as a shipping coordinator and know personally about the the bidding process and have the experience trying to get the lowest possible price and I know that a lot of them base it all on fuel cost. Now if their cost keep rising eventually companies will not be able to hire them in order to ship their products. The drivers cost goes up when fuel cost go up and so on. Well I say good for them even thought they really won't have an effect on the sky rocketing fuel prices but it does bring light to their issue and maybe people will in the Oil Industry will start getting the point.